Piano Note Names
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So, you just started learning to play the piano and you'd like to learn how to read piano music notes? Great that you arrived to this point in our beginning piano lessons.
In this piano lesson we will be using the names of the piano keys which we've learned about during the previous piano lesson.
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How to Find Piano Notes on the Staff

We use the staff in order to tell the name of a note. Here it is. Look at it. The staff has five lines and four spaces.

We can write piano notes on the lines and between the lines. That's how we can tell the piano note names.

Since the piano has such a wide range of notes we need to use different clefs on the staff in order to define which area of the piano we're going to be playing with.
The treble clef for example is usually responsible for all the piano keys above middle C (which is the higher area/ register of the piano). It has a belly. The Belly looks like letter G with a little bit of imagination.

The treble clef is located on the second line which indicates that the G Key above middle C should be played.
As you can see the G note is located on the second line. If we go one step lower toward the first line we will get the F note which is
located between the first and the second line.
If we continue going like that we can actually name all the other notes.

Look at the C note. This note indicates that middle C should be played. Basically we're out of lines so what we need to do is add an extra line under the five lines of the staff.
What I'm saying is that besides the five lines of the staff there are more lines but they are imaginay lines. We won't draw them fully because it will make notes reading pretty hard to do. Instead we will imagine these lines and only add a little line to the note just like in the image above.
So here are the notes in an ascending order, starting from middle C to G.

Did you already buy the Rocket piano learning kit? If you did try to play the "JaydeMusica" game which is included in the learning kit. It's a great game designed to help you learn to read music, for your enjoyment. Why work hard when you can play a game instead? Click here to buy the Rocket piano learning kit if you haven't done so yet.
Here's an easy way to locate the notes quickly.
The piano notes between the lines make the word
The letters that belong to the notes which are located on the lines create the initials for: "
Every Good Boy
Deservers Fudge".
O.k., so now we know how to read notes on the treble clef. By now we can already choose some nice repertoire that will inspire us.
You can start playing your first little pieces with the ones I offer here for free. Enjoy and let me know if you have some problems!
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Name | PDF sheet music | Audio file | Video File |
Merrily we roll along | Download | Play | |
By the silvr'y moonlight | Downlaod | Play | |
Lightly row | Download | Play | |
From the new world | Download | Play | |
Rain, rain | Download | Play | |
London bridge | Download | Play | |
Love me tender | Download | Play | |
Jingle bells | Download | Play | |
Bure by Bach | Download | Play | |
When the saints go marching in | Download | Play |

Before I'll teach you to read notes in the lower register I'd like to show you how to draw the treble clef in the next piano lesson.
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