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Comments for The Difference Between Playing The Piano and the Keyboard

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In response to the previous comment
by: Sunil Kamat

I totally disagree that the keyboard (synth) is a poor quality instrument. Everything depends on the interests of the player.

If you are a pure classical or jazz pianist, I wouldn't recommend the keyboards, because it makes a mess of the techniques you use on the real instrument when you are practicing the genre.

While in the case of popular music, the keyboard has certainly made it's presence, particularly electronic music and there are heavy weighted keyboards, but the only drawback is that they don't match the dynamic touch on real piano.

They are 2 different kinds of instruments in todays music scenario. Keyboards in rock and metal music have used it as a versatile tool pretty effectively so I refuse to acknowledge it as a poor instrument.

Difference between keyboard and piano
by: Sunil Kamat

Absolutely true.
Being from the clssical background I certainly feel the keyboard to be just a fun gadget.

Although you can play a few pieces on the keyboard you don't have the same dynamic range.
The piano gives an original sound while the keyboard gives a virtual sound.

Another logic is that one can play any instrument through a keyboard using various synthesizers and workstations.
The feel is totally different because of the light weighted keys.

I also play the rhythm guitar.Imagine playing a rhythm guitar or even lead through a keyboard.
It just sounds awsome during harmonisation of the scale in a rock or metal band because of the crazy effects you can generate.

On a piano you cannot do the same but you can play a lot more melodies on the piano preferably classical music.

Learning a piano and playing keyboard makes sense not vice versa.But as a piano player its better to practice more of the piano as a lot of keyboard can screw up your piano skills if you lose touch.Thats my experience.

I would like to thank piano play it for giving me this chance to express my views

The difference between studying to play the piano and the keyboard.
by: David from www.piano-play-it.com

Hi Christina,

I'm glad to hear you made your first steps in the world of piano playing. I hope you'd enjoy it very much.

As for you question, I'm glad you came up with it.

The difference between studying both these instruments lies in the nature of each one.

The piano is an acoustic instrument. That means that you have a lot of control at the sound your creating. There are thousand of ways to press on a key.

The mechanism of the instrument allows you to make a warmer sound or a metalic sound for example. (If you press harder the hammer hits the string and gives it more attack).

It has a heavier and sensitive touch which allows more flexibility of the dynamics. Visit the piano history page to learn more about that.

The keyboard on the other side, is an electronic instrument. There are many types of keyboards, some of them, as you mentioned, don't read the full range of the piano.

More than that, the conrol of the sound of such an instrument, even if it's a really good one, is much more limited.

That has a clear effect on the way you study the instrument.
You have to aquire a different technique when playing the piano since there's simply much more you can do.

The advantage of the keyboard is that you can play rhythms while you play, and produce many different electronic sounds.
Part of studying then, is changing the rhythms and the sound.

For further information I suggest you check this artice I wrote called Piano vs. Keyboard.

It mentions more important differences existing between these two instruments.

Bottom line, If you ask me, it's better to have a piano around. Why? Simple. If you can play the piano you'd be able to play the keyboard.
If you play the keyboard however you'll have to learn the technique of the piano from scratch.

It's hard to change bad habbits learned by playing a poor instrument.

However, I'm aware of limits in budget and after all I believe that making music is the most important issue that should be on your mind.
It enriches the soul.

I hope I gave you clear clue about the answer to your question.

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